Jay C. “Jazzy J” Theriot is a father, mother, husband, veteran, mathematician, computer engineer, and arbiter of bad dad jokes.
Currently Producing
Assist mobile app. This android app (link in the name) started modestly targeting a single person, me. Now, with a number of congregational users, a second version which should be available on both Android and iOS is in the works. My biggest roadblock is understanding Apple’s publishing requirements.
Application content updated weekly with the current pew sheets, converted to digital, using the OpenDyslexic font.
Currently working on
Weather.JayCTheriot.com. Needs a lot of work. But, things are getting better, with a Herculean effort. A mobile app is in process. —- Update 12/7/24 — This has been abandoned. There are so many great apps out there, there is no use in trying to re-invent the wheel.
CWAADS, Coastal Weather Anomaly Advance Detection System. My most courageous production thus far. Using differential calculation techniques, the goal is to draw together data from the world’s data buoys to rapidly identify coastal weather anomalies in hopes of preventing coastal tragedies. Multiple application formats are in progress. —- Update 12/7/24 —- I’ve had to learn C++ and other modules to create a GUI, but a desktop version is in the works.
My apologies for coding so slow, but my seat time (the time I can spend productively working at my computer) is drastically limited due to Voltage Gated Sodium/Potassium Channelopathy.
I pray you find gems in these pages.
Jay C. “Jazzy_J” Theriot